About Save South O

Save South O is a group of local residents and merchants who believe South Oceanside is a unique neighborhood. It has its own institutions — a school, fire station, churches, businesses — and large supply of single-family and multi-family homes. It has excellent auto, pedestrian and bicycle access to the beach, shopping, and the rest of North County. Housing still remains among the most affordable of any Southern California beach community.

We know of no other community like this in Southern California. People move here and never leave — or if they do leave, try to come back as soon as possible. Our beaches attract visitors from elsewhere in Oceanside and North County, as do our merchants along Coast Highway. Tourists from Los Angeles and Arizona find this a unique oasis in Southern California, as they have for decades.

We are dedicated to maintaining the unique character that caused us to move here decades ago or (in some cases) remain here all our lives. We want to preserve the community for future generations, including our children and grandchildren. At the same time, we want to work with private and public investment to continue to improve the community while dealing with issues such as traffic, parking and crime.

If you live or work in South O, we hope you will join us in these efforts.