Our Neighborhood Voices: restoring local control

Save South O and other community groups around the state are circulating petitions to put the “Our Neighborhood Voices” initiative (also called the Brand-Huang-Mendoza Tripartisan Land Use Initiative) on the November 2022 state ballot. The goal of this is to stop recent efforts by Sacramento politicians to usurp local land use decisions, forcing cities to accelerate property development without regard for local conditions or concerns.

The grassroots support for this measure makes it almost certain it will qualify, but that’s just the beginning of the battle. Local neighborhoods and cities will be outspent 10:1 or even 100:1 by developer interests who will distort the bill as anti-housing or who knows what other lies. Thus, we will need to go door to door to make sure every voter in our city understands what this fight is about and why this measure is essential.

We plan to start signature gathering later this month, so if you are interested, please contact us directly.