Pandemic precaution: restriction on STRs

STVRs-Letter-03-2020Today the City of Oceanside issued new temporary restrictions on the operation of Short Term Rentals:

March 31, 2020

Dear Short-Term Rental Owner/Manager:

We hope you are staying safe during this challenging time. The City of Oceanside, along with our county, state and federal partners, is working to slow the spread of COVID-19. As such, this is a reminder about the contents of the Governor’s Executive Order with regard to accommodations.

Short-term rentals that are used for commercial purposes are not considered part of critical infrastructure under the governor’s order. Short-term rental units may only operate:

• To provide COYID-1 9 mitigation and containment measures (for example, isolation and quarantine or the housing of displaced persons or the homeless);

• To provide housing for essential critical infrastructure workers; and

• For use by the property owner and his/her immediate family members.

It has come to the City’s attention that some short-term rentals in Oceanside are being advertised during this time for “retreats” and “family getaways.” This type of message is counter to the Governor and the County of San Diego Public Health Officer’s requirements, and local enforcement will be exercised if this practice continues. You are also reminded that gatherings of more than ten persons are restricted, and those with less than ten people must practice social distancing.

Gatherings are defined by the San Diego County Public Health Officer as any event or convening that brings together ten or more people in a single room or single space, indoors or outdoors. Gatherings of fewer than ten people are strongly encouraged to maintain social distancing.

Social distancing is defined by the San Diego County Public Health Officer as maintaining a six-foot separation from all persons except for family members.

We look forward to the time when health officials amend the current orders to once again allow for leisure travel and other such activities. Until then, it is critical to the health and safety of our community that you adhere to the Governor’s Executive Order and those from the San Diego County Public Health Officer. If you have any questions about this information, please contact Code Enforcement Officer Zack Barnes at (760) 435-3947 or .


Deanna Lorson
City Manager

Residents aware of violations of this policy should directly contact Barnes, the STVR code enforcement officer.

Below is the e-mail ad — sent March 21 — that prompted a complaint to the city.



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