South O’s Next Council Representative

This week, South O hosted a forum for four of the six candidates for District 3 City Council seat.

Earlier Questions

Before the debate, we submitted written questions to the candidates. The answers will be found in our earlier postings:

  1. What is the short term and long-term solution for restoring South O beaches?
  2. What changes would you like to make to city parks and how would you pay for it?
  3. What do you think of the city’s current regulation of cannabis cultivation and distribution?
  4. Can the state’s “infill” housing policies be implemented without changing the character of South O?
  5. When the COVID crisis is over, what should the city do to increase jobs and tax revenues?

Tuesday’s Council Forum

The debate included these candidates:

  • Kellie Davis
  • Ryan Keim
  • Shari Mackin
  • Amber Newman

After their opening statements, Save South O asked four questions of each candidate. For each question, the candidates answered in a different order:

  1. How do you think the Short Term Rental ordinance is working? Are there any changes that you would like to make? (Keim, Mackin, Newman, Davis)
  2. How can the closure of the La Salina sewage treatment plant benefit South O? What would you do to improve this site and the surrounding area? (Mackin, Newman, Davis, Keim)
  3. Current city plans call for Coast Highway to remain 4 lanes in South O, but to replace existing retail with 45′ tall commercial/residential projects. What is your vision for the future of Coast Highway? (Newman, Davis, Keim, Mackin)
  4. If much of this year’s shift to online work and shopping becomes permanent, how should the city change its zoning for office and retail space? (Davis, Keim, Mackin, Newman)

After that, all four candidates were given the chance to question the other candidates. Two candidates exercised that option:

  • Keim asked the others their positions on Proposition 15 and Proposition 20.
  • Mackin asked if/how/why they took money from developers.

The forum then concluded with their respective closing statements.